Microsoft Office Home Page

Our Site Makeover

RETURN February 19, 1996

Welcome to the first installment of the new and improved Microsoft(r) Office Web Site. Our mission is to provide you, the current or prospective Microsoft Office customer, with interesting, informative, and utterly useful information.

We are people like yourselves who understand the challenges of mastering technology necessary to conducting your business, both personal and professional. As always, you will still be able to find the latest information on Microsoft Office products, and the features that make it the best-selling software suite of applications. The added value of this weekly publication is that it will help you learn more about why these product features matter, and how to apply them to make you and your work more effective. One goal is to save you time; another is to help you improve upon your ability to use Microsoft Office technology to solve problems.

This magazine is the new entry point to the Microsoft Office Web site, your primary source for all information about Office. We look forward to taking advantage of the Web's superior ability to distribute the latest information to keep you up-to-date, as well as its ability to link to related information for the most complete coverage of Microsoft Office.

A New View

The Office suite of applications is the set of tools that enable you to do business, only these tools are far stronger than your average hammer or wrench. Think of this Web site as an Office Improvement show, and when you "tune in" we'll act as your handy guides to help you achieve better results. You will find tips and tricks, case studies of real-life problems and their solutions, and plain English explanations of how to maximize your use of Microsoft Office.

We will also provide an inside view of up and coming technologies and industry trends. You will be informed of exciting new developments in Office: we'll explain what they mean to you, and describe how to best position yourself to take advantage of them.

A New Design Makes It Easier

The goal of the Office Web site's new look is to get you to the information you want in a faster and more direct way. If you are looking for product information, free software, or technical information, you can use a new two-dimensional set of tabs to guide your way. All Office home pages are categorized by types of information in tabs along the left side of the screen. Along the top of the screen are tabs listing Office products. Click along both sets of tabs to view the subjects that interest you-it's that easy. If your browser does not support tables, the display may not be optimal, but you can still get to where you want to go. Of course, to optimize your view you are encouraged to download the latest version of the Microsoft Internet Explorer for PC or Mac.

Your Direct Link to the Behind-the-Scenes People of Microsoft Office

Short of going to therapy, we will do everything we can to understand what you, our current and future customers, want from us. However, no matter how well researched our questions are, the results will always be incomplete without your direct input. So please take a moment and jump over to our feedback page. Tell us what you think about the new Web site design, our articles, our products, and what we have to say. We will listen to you, and you will see the results. However, if you need product support or a technical question answered quickly, please utilize the Microsoft Support Online Web Site. There you will find people ready to help you.

Stay Tuned

In the coming months, you can look forward to great content and some surprises you might not expect to see from Microsoft. We are very excited about the future of the Microsoft Office Web Site, and we hope that you will find it to be the place you want to go today and tomorrow.

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© 1996 Microsoft Corporation